Talk about your Daily Routine

Talk about your daily routine in English with examples:

We can start by writing down your daily routine then memorizing it and make an outline then talk about it in your own words.

Remember to keep it in simple terms and simple present tense.

Talk about your daily routine in English. Talking about your daily routine every day. Daily habits. Practice talking about daily routine with videos
Talk about your daily routine in English

Let’s make an outline about “How to write ten sentences about your daily routine in English”:

Now that we made the outline about “how to write ten sentences about your daily routine. Let’s talk about it.

I wake up early in the morning and wash my face.

Then I take a shower and brush my teeth.

I eat my breakfast and get ready for school.

After that, I wait for the school bus.

I arrive to my school and go to my first class.

In the afternoon I go back home.

Moreover, I have dinner with my family.

I do my homework and then watch some TV.

I read a book.

Finally, I go to bed.

There are a few ways we can do this:

Speak about your daily routine in front of some audience like classmates or friends and family.

Reading your daily routine out loud until you can remember it by heart.

Furthermore, recording your ten sentences daily routine on a recorder like your phone or recording device then play back and listen to it over and over until you get it.

In addition, you can have a friend or family member to listen to you while you are rehearsing.

Now you can watch a video about your daily routine in English:

Click here to watch the video on how to talk about your daily routine in English? Example 1

Furthermore, this is just an example, and you can do your own talk about your daily routine. ” You can use this video for practice”

In addition to example 1 here is another video to watch about your daily routine:

Click here to watch “Talk about your daily routine in English”, example 2

Write ten sentences about your daily routine in English. Read more

Read a short passage about people in English. Read more