Write Ten Sentences Formal Email

How to write ten sentences formal email in English?

Keep it simple, write ten sentences formal email in English is simple and clear. Furthermore, get straight to the point, make it simple and meaningful.

Writing an email can be formal or informal.

In this example we are going to show you how to write ten sentences formal email.

Formal emails are used in the following situations : 


  • Your boss
  • Manager
  • Job
  • Workers
How to write ten sentences formal email in English:

At the start use Hi, Dear followed by name and a comma.

or To whom it may concern, Greetings, Dear Sir or Madam

At the end you can use, Sincerely, Regards, followed by name

Now that you know the basics on “write ten sentences formal email in English” lets start by the example below:

You can start writing like this example below:


Dear All,

We have a meeting for all coordinators at 9 am, in room 5, in the engineering building.

This meeting will discuss all concerns regarding e learning, blackboard, e maintenance, technicians.

In addition, any feed back on improving the e learning system will be considered.

Please bring your computers and the e learning manual with you



Now its your turn to write ten sentences formal email





More about writing sentences:

  • Write ten sentences about yourself in English. Read more
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